Seems Like a Good Idea

This is a running list of things that pop into my mind that seem like a good idea to me.   I was standing in my kitchen making a green smoothie and had just peeled a banana when I thought, “Hey, I wish I had a compost to throw this into!”  Then I thought, “Yeah, that’s a good idea.  I wonder if I’ll ever have one,”  since I’ve had the very same good idea for several years now.  And that is what started off this list!  I missed the whole “New Year’s Resolutions” thing, so I’m a little late for that.  I like Life Resolutions better than yearly ones anyway, but do believe it’s criminal to watch a good idea waste away.  So whatever is on this list is a serious and current pursuit!  It’s all a work in progress.

I will bold the ideas that I attempt/complete as the year goes along.

PURPLE = in progress

BLACK = completed

I would love feedback on any of them and welcome suggestions for more!

1) Start a compost

2) Get a few pygmy goats –use their milk for the baby.

3) Start an art journal & stick with it.  Have fun doing it.

4) Learn how to swim (again) (Signed up for Swimming lessons.  Start at the end of March 2012)

5) Add swimming into my health plan

6) Attend yoga at least 3x’s per week for a year

7) Explore becoming a yoga teacher in the future

8) Go on a “me only” retreat somewhere out-of-state & not feel guilty about it (one in the works for this summer)

9) Meet 5 new people this year and go for lunch, coffee, or chai tea with them

10) Smile at myself in the mirror at least once every morning

11) Kiss my husband goodnight every night

12) See if my neighbors will let me get away with raising chickens.  Love Chickens!

13) Find a way to produce something to sell at the local Farmer’s Market

14) Make enough good quality art that I can have a craft/art booth at a fair

15) Have more mom/teen daughter dates

16) Go on a road trip with my teen daughter before she’s 18

17) Improve my sleep habits

18) Practice some kind of meditation

19) Learn about “Centering Prayer” (saw a flier at church, looked interesting)

20) Schedule date night with my husband at least once a month (NO KIDS)

21) Surprise my husband with something that’s related to his interests that’s just for him

22) Read a new Bible passage every week and learn all I possibly can about it for a week (history, interpretations, meaning in my life)

23) Look at things as poetically as I did when I was younger

24) When Angry: Listen twice to the source and think twice before I respond

25) When feeling particularly Loving: Spontaneously erupt!

26) Study the qualities of “those people” I always wanted to be. Practice those qualities.

27) Be Me

2 thoughts on “Seems Like a Good Idea”

  1. Farmer’s market idea: Can you make butter out of the Pygmy goat milk? Starwberry flavored Pygmy Goat Butter?

    • That’s a great idea! Do you think the inclusion of the word Pygmy would turn people off? Would it be false advertising to just leave it at goat? Strawberry Goat Butter? Maybe I could just name my stand “Pygmy Farms” or something. 🙂

      Thanks for the motivating idea!

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